A new Story

Created by Sarah 11 years ago
Football was a love of my dad's since childhood.His favorite team was always Reading F.C. of which he was both a ball boy and later on a security guard at Reading football clubs original ground Elm Park. He went on to become a qualified referee as well as take part in many charity matches himself. However one of the things he had greatest pride in was his football team 'Palmer Panthers' which he founded, coached and loved like another child. Out of nothing and no where the teams was born and grew from a small boys teams to a mens team who had go on to win the league and championships as well as other medals. The game was a pure joy to my father and kept his illness at bay along with the medication. It is my opinion that giving the game up was indeed a factor towards my dads eventual passing however i know that if he were here with us still he would be incredibly proud of who the boys who he saw grow into men have become, fathers, husbands and still amazing players...